Chika Jinanwa

Aspiring Software Engineer
Chess Enthusiast

About Me


About Me

Hi! My name is Chika Jinanwa, and I'm a Sophomore at Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute. I'm double majoring in Computer Sciences and Natural Sciences with a keen interest in Computational Biology. I was born and raised in Nigeria, studied at Dority International Secondary School, before getting the privilege to study at the most selective global liberal arts college in the United States. I enjoy exploring new challenges and would quickly get bored if I stay in a comfortable position for too long. That's why I jumped at the prospect of studying at Minerva, an unconventional university where I would be continuously challenged by radical, world-class education in 7 different international cities. I would study in San Francisco, Seoul, Hyderabad, Berlin, Buenos Aires, London, and Taipei throughout my studies.

Exploring new challenges is what got me into coding in the first place, and being able to come up with creative solutions is what makes me stay. In my free time, I cook, play chess and table tennis, and take short naps. I enjoy cooking because, like software engineering, I feel like I'm creating something that I own and love. My "about" would be incomplete without mentioning chess. Chess is hands-down, my favorite game, and I spend hours on the board trying different combinations. Someday, I hope to be a Grandmaster. If there's one thing I've learned from chess, it's that there are usually multiple ways of correcting an earlier mistake-Chess forgives, and so does Life. Hence, whenever I make mistakes, I own up to them and try to fix them. If you're looking to hire, you can check out my resume

Take care,

Skills and Interests


  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • R
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

Libraries and Frameworks

  • Django backend
  • Flask
  • Node.js & Express backend
  • React Frontend
  • Bootstrap 4

Databases and Tools

  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDb
  • Git & Github
  • Memcached
  • VisualStudio
  • Pycharm

Data Science Libraries and Tools

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Scipy


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Recent Works

I love what I do, check out some of my latest projects


MERN Social

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MERN social is a Facebook inspired social media site where users can like, comment, and post content. It was built with the MERN (MongoDb, Express, React and Node.js) stack. CRUD and user authentication APIs were implemented with express-jwt and a Node.js backend while the user interface was built with React and MaterialUI. I deployed the app on Heroku, a popular Platform as a Service (PaaS). I am currently managing the MongoDb database for posts, comments and photos for the 30+ users of the site.


Chika's Cipher

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Chika's Cipher is a Django app that allows users to encrypt messages, play word decipher games and get ranked on a leaderboard based on their high scores from the game. It was built with a Djagno backend, a PostgreSQL database, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap4 frontend and Memcached for caching. I coded Caesar Cipher, Atbash Cipher, Reverse Cipher, Vigenere Cipher, NATO Code, and Morse Code algorithms for encryptions and decryptions. I also tested these algortihms with Python's automated unittests module to ensure the algorithms worked as expected. User CRUD and authentications were implemented with Django's authentication backend. The app also supports automated emailing with Django's email backend. I am currently managing a PostgreSQL database for the 40+ user profiles, scores, question list, and contact data. I also deployed this app to Heroku


MS-365 Automator

MS-365 Automator is a collection of Python scripts to automate common tasks in Microsoft Office Suite. As someone who frequently uses Microsoft Office tools, I was interested in automating common tasks such as APA style formatting, PowerPoint presentation, emailing, Excel data processing etc. The scripts so far were coded with Python's Pywin32 module which supports Windows COM client programming. The current tasks supported are automated PowerPoint generation from a .txt file, automated Outlook emailing, basic Excel data processing and automated APA style formatting with Word. It is still a work in progress and I would add more scripts in future. You can check back anytime and you might find scripts that will make Office life easier, more productive, and enjoyable. Because Pywin32 only supports Windows (sorry Linux and MacOS users🙁), the scripts can only be executed on a computer running the Windows Operating System.


Stock Prices to Perspective Visualizer

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Stock Prices to Perspective Visualizer is a React/TypeScript and Python app which allows traders to visualize stock data and be alerted when the stock ratios exceed historically known bounds. It was built as part of my JP Morgan & Chase's Virtual Software Engineering Internship Experience in Summer 2020. The stock data is retrieved from the server ( a Python Script), then processed by a TypeScript file before being piped to JP Morgan's Perspective for Visualization. A trigger alert functionality is also included to alert traders of abnormal stock ratios as this could trigger a trading opportunity. This new functionality added to traders' dashboards will improve their trading experience.

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